- Who elects the President of the U.S. 谁选出美国总统?
- Who elects the President of the United States? 美国总统由谁选出?
- Who elect the President? 总统由谁选出?
- Who elects the President of the United States? A: The Electoral College. 谁选出美国总统?答:选举团。
- For how long do we elect the President? 多久选一次总统?
- Kilinton was elected the President of U.S.A. 克林顿被选为美国总统。
- However, the chieftain does not oversee the government of the village.This is handled by the commoners who elect the members of a governing council. 头目虽是世代相传的地主,但部落实际的公共事务,则由平民自治推选出来的人进行管理,颇具民主社会的风格。
- The President elect will be installed next week. 候任总统将在下周正式就任。
- The chances are that he will elected the president. 他有可能被选为总统。
- He was elected the president of the U.S. 他当选为。
- Where there is more than one candidate for the office, the people elect the President by direct vote. 总统是国家元首。如果总统职务候选人不止一个,就由人民通过直接投标选举总统。
- Members of parliament -- in which the ANC is virtually assured of having a majority -- will elect the president next month. 议员们将会在下月选出总统,而显然国大党会取得议会中的大多数议席。
- Not long ago she tried to forge a deal with Mr Yanukovich to amend the constitution so that parliament would elect the president. 前不久,她想和亚努科维奇谋划修改宪法,赋予议会选举总统的权利。
- The council also had 50 members,who elected the chairman and vice-chairman from among themselves. 临时区域市政局亦有议员50名,主席和副主席均由议员互选产生。
- The council also had 50 members, who elected the chairman and vice-chairman from among themselves. 临时区域市政局亦有议员50名,主席和副主席均由议员互选产生。
- The chances are that he will be elected the president. 他有可能当选总统。
- In the USA the Electoral College elects the president. 美国总统由总统选举团选举产生.
- Voters always elect the candidate most tuned in to their needs. 选民总是选那些最能体察其疾苦的候选人。
- The president's death had unexpected repercussion. 总统的逝世引起出乎意料的反响。
- The President of the US is the chief executive. 美国总统是最高行政长官。